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Coinstack Founder Launches Book

Coinstack Founder Ryan Allis launches a new book, Magic Year: How to Design a Life You Love

Coinstack founder Ryan Allis has launched a new book today called Magic Year, How to Design a Life You Love.

The New book from Coinstack Founder Ryan Allis

The book is about how to design a life you truly love within the areas of purpose, goals, habits, people, happiness, health, money, community, love, relationships, family, and awakening. If you want to have a in-depth guide to designing and then actually creating the life of your dreams — this is it.

You can grab a copy here on Amazon. The Kindle edition is free for today only. The paperback edition is $20 if you prefer a physical copy. We hope you enjoy it and that it makes a positive impact in your life.

You can learn more about the book and our online course at www.magicyear.com.

International Book Purchase Links

We’ll be back in touch tomorrow with the next edition of Coinstack!

All the best,
Ryan & The Coinstack Team