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  • Webinar: Crypto Investing for Family Offices

Webinar: Crypto Investing for Family Offices

Register for our free webinar on crypto investing for family offices

Next Thursday, January 20th we are hosting a webinar called Crypto Investing for Family Offices, covering:

  • The crypto hedge fund ecosystem

  • The difference between crypto token funds and crypto yield funds

  • How market-neutral crypto yield funds are able to earn 15-20% net annual returns in DeFi, providing an alternative to corporate bonds and fixed income

  • How to educate key family members about digital assets

  • Our thoughts on allocating institutional capital into digital assets in 2022

  • The top blockchains in DeFi: Ethereum, Avalanche, BSC, Terra, Solana, and Fantom

  • How family offices can allocate intelligently into digital assets and crypto yield

The webinar is tailored to family offices, wealth managers, financial advisors, fund of funds, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, RIAs, and large capital allocators who’d like to learn more about our thoughts on investing in digital assets.

The webinar is hosted by Ryan Allis, Managing Partner at HeartRithm, a crypto quant fund, and Publisher of Coinstack.

Crypto Investing For Family Offices, Presented by HeartRithm

Thursday, January 20, 202212pm PT / 3pm ET / 8pm GMT55 minutes on Zoom / Link provided upon registration via emailPresented by Ryan Allis, Managing Partner of HeartRithm and Publisher of Coinstack

What You Will Learn

  • Our thoughts on allocating institutional capital into digital assets in 2022

  • The differences between crypto token funds and crypto yield funds

  • How market-neutral crypto yields funds are able to earn 15-20% net annual returns in DeFi, providing an alternative to corporate bonds and fixed income, with low-volatility and monthly liquidity

  • Key strategies of crypto hedge funds: yield farming, margin lending, and DEX liquidity provision

  • How DeFi yields compare to corporate bonds, treasuries, and other fixed-income assets

  • Top blockchains for DeFi including Ethereum, BSC, Solana, and Terra

  • Utilizing DeFi-as-a-Service (DaaS) to generate consistent yield

  • How to track developer counts to determine which blockchain ecosystems are likely to grow fastest

  • How smart fund managers reduce smart contract risk within various DeFi protocols

  • What portion of your portfolio should be allocated to digital assets vs. equities, bonds, real estate, and private equity

  • ESG within blockchain investing


  • For institutional investors or family offices

  • For qualified clients with at least $2.1M of investable assets

Additional Information

  • HeartRithm, a U.S.-based crypto quant fund, is focused on providing high-quality education on the digital assets market and becoming a go-to resource for large capital allocators who are developing and executing their crypto strategy. If you’re seeking assistance in planning your digital asset allocations for 2022, we’re here to help.